To Volunteer
If you are able to volunteer you may call at 1876-842-7662 or email us at You may also put a team together from you church or organize a mission trip or set up a booth at our events. If you specialize in HIV/AIDS education we would be more than happy to have you distributing pamphlets at these events.
We also seek contribution in cash, or kind such as clothing to distribute to the elderly and children in the community. We put together food packages to hand out to the less fortunate seniors and vulnerable children in these communities.
We invite your church or organization to collaborate with us to make these days a success. In time past we collaborated with Resurrection Power in Ohio USA as they brought a team of nurses who volunteered their services. It was a success. If you are able to make a donation whether in the form of food or clothing you may also email us.
Cash donation is also appreciated as CTTK has proven to be a very expensive venture. We continue to trust and believe God for his provisions. We seek volunteers around the globe. God bless you.